Hey readers! All 20 of you, one of them my mom, so I don’t know if she counts. 😂 It’s been a minute, but now I’m off for summer vacation. My plan is to try and do one blog per week. We will see if I can do it!
This week I’m going to talk about cell phone use, or should I say overuse. I realize it’s becoming a huge problem. Most people abuse their cell phone. I’m sure worker productivity is at an all time low. You honestly cannot look around without seeing someone staring at their phone.
My principal just talked—well, sort of yelled at us about this right before school let out. As much as I was angry and upset, I do see her point. You cannot really work effectively if your eyes are on your phone.
I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t do this anymore. I want to be the best worker I can be. If she yells about phone usage again I want to make sure I don’t have one ounce of guilt she may be referring to me.
Now let’s get down to it…
Having ADHD makes distractions more distracting. The cell phone has to be one of the biggest distractions ever. Cell phones and video games are pretty much the arch nemeses of ADHD-ers.
But why? What makes us yearn for them even more so than a neurotypical?
I’m blaming my brain. My brain is like a toddler that needs constant stimulation or it throws a tantrum. Even if I’m working on a task!
Five minutes into a task, my toddler brain is asking, “Where’s my pacifier?” That’s right folks, the phone is a pacifier. A freaking adult binky, and I need it.
You may ask, what I did before I had an adult binky? Well, I daydreamed. I just sat there and thought and thought. Now, because of modern technology, I have a “rectangular mind stimulator” in the palm of my hand. Awesome.
I also think it helps with anxiety. I can bet that most people who abuse cell phones and video games have ADHD or terrible anxiety. For me personally, scrolling through my feed gives me a hit of that delicious dopamine and eases my mind.
Don’t get me wrong, cell phones aren’t all bad. There are some pluses to having a cell phone. There are apps that actually help us squirrels. The phone’s calendar is a lifesaver and I love being able to get ahold of my kids at all times. Something my mom didn’t have the luxury of doing.
But unfortunately, with great power comes great responsibility. Like knowing when you’ve had enough and to put it down—especially when you’re at work! 😬
Ok, so I understand WHY I’m abusing it, now I need to stop abusing it. That’s the hard part. Luckily, I found a therapist who specializes in ADHD adults. She’s already given me some tips and tricks to help me limit the screen time.
I’m hoping by the time summer has ended, I am less reliant on my “rectangular mind stimulator.” My adult binky. 👶 I’ll keep all twenty of you—and my mom, posted!